Friday, July 3, 2009

computer illiterate

So I posted the same video TWICE and i can't even remove one of them. : /
So this is my quest to conquer the blogesphere, huh? ha

That is all for today. Have a safe weekend. Word towards (real) independence.

Holla Burton

Thursday, July 2, 2009

R.I.P.Michael Jackson

It's been a full week now that "The King Of Pop" has died. I know there are a lot of tribute events going down tonight. Yall going to any? Feel free to post any links or pictures after the fact. He was a lot more than that also. He was a humanitarian, someone who broke racial barriers and helped people all over the world with his music (and with money). On top of having the biggest selling album of all time (Thriller) and being one of the greatest entertainers ever.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Cynthia McKinney kidnapped by Israel?!?!

From: Sticman Deadprez "The latest from reports that the humanitarian vessel Spirit of Humanity has been attacked and boarded by the Israelis 23 miles off the coast of Gaza. Former US Congresswoman and Presidential candidate Cynthia McKinney is among the 21 human rights workers taken prisoner off the ship."

I Keep trying to post the direct link, but it's not letting me go on
Conspiracy?? hmm

"NIGAZ: Lost in translation?"

From BBC News:

Nigaz: Lost in translation?

Nigaz - a racist term or an innocent mistake? This is the question dominated social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter.

Last week Russia's energy giant Gazprom formed a $2.5 billion joint venture with Nigeria's oil company NNPC to build refineries, pipelines and gas power stations in Africa's most populous nation.

But while this deal has been celebrated as reinforcing Russia's position within Europe, the reaction among some Nigerians has been far from ecstatic. One group on Facebook calling itself 'Nigerians No Nigaz' writes 'How more derogatory can it be ... to set up a NEW company for the JV and name it NIGAZ...this is derogatory - surely not Nigerian-like.'

Is it just innocent PR blunder or is the world becoming too politically correct? Should the new company be renamed? Will this incident have any lasting impact on Russia-African relations? Do you know of any memorable PR blunders?


It's been a while...

Aight....I haven't posted anything since the day I started this blog...BUT I also haven't promoted the blog so who cares!?!?

Now I shall commence in posting random content and whatever I damn well please.
